Thursday 22 October 2009

27 weeks and counting

Ok so pregnancy from begingin to end is 40 weeks...give or take about 2 weeks.

At 37 weeks I am considerd full term.

that is 10 weeks away.

So when i have a woman who is a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 2 say to me

your 27 weeks...mmmyou only have about 3 more weeks and you can deliver a healthy baby. 30 weeks? 7 weeks before i am considerd full term? really?.

I don't think so dearie! lol

penny don't listen to the silly bake as long as you need!

Monday 19 October 2009

Guess what day it is!?

How far along? 26 weeks and 6 days.
Total weight gain: up to 5 lbs ;).
Maternity clothes? I am liking them just a liiiitle to much!
Sleep:Is wonderful until I have to get up and pee ever two hours
Best moment this week: Hitting the official start of the end! woot for being in the 3rd tri!
Movement: Every day now :)
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: *sigh*...lunch meat
What I am looking forward to:hitting the 30 and 35 week mark :)
Milestones: She is the size of an egg plant can blink breath and hear things on the outside now and is just about 2 1/2 months till she is all done baking :)

I have less than 3 months..I have less than 100 days...O.M.G.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Yoga FAIL!

So I am no stranger to yoga. I'm not. I started doing it over a year ago and while I have to admit that doing JUST yoga may not have made me shed weight the way I wanted it to it still was something that made me a happy (and lets face it....much more bendy) girl.

But now that I am with spawn...I have to do "prenatal yoga"

What-the-eff-ever. I am Captain Cleavage and I can totally still do my regular yoga...right...RIGHT?!?!?


Lets just say that when "mommy" decided that even though she has a potruding belly and her center of gravity may (or may not) be slightly *coughtotallycough* of kilter doing things like balanceing on my hands in a squating position (cause I gots skillz) and twisting my legs up behind my head (again...skillz) is still totally possible

I was stuck on the floor for 15 min rolling around like a demented beach ball tring to get up.


David was at work and laughed heartilly when I told him (bastard!)

I have also had to ask for him to help me get up from the kitchen floor (darn food storage on the bottom!)

as well as getting out of bed (seriously?!?!?)

Yeah...this doesn't make me feel like one of those webble wobble toys!

Sunday 4 October 2009

Late nights...long nights.

I don't know if it is the pregnancy horomones or jitters or just the very fast approach of her birth but I have not been able to sleep more than a few hours at a time a night lately. Thoughts run through my head at warp speed

sleep by 12

wake up at 2 to go pee

2:05 lay down and attempt to fall asleep as penny is throwing what I can only imagiane is a dance party in my ute

2:15 did I wash the dishes? ugh no...shit d needs a clean coffee cup in the morning...

2:16 get up to wash out 2 coffee mugs

3:00 lay back down after washing all the dishes dusting the living room mopping the kitchen floor and scrubbing down the stove and wall with comet and bleach.

3:02 She sure is moving around a lot tonight is this her way of telling me she is going to be a night owl? or is this god allowing me to have every moment possible with her like he did with the other 2...

3:03 begins to cry as quietly as possible of my two lost little ones and wonder what they would have looked like and how am i going to one day explain to penny she has two older brothers in heaven named Paxton and Drake.

3:10 watches david sleep...when he is awake he is all man...alll sexy sexy man...but asleep...he looks like a little boy. I can tell he is having good dreams because he is smiling and every once-in-a-while he will giggle softly.

3:30 Hungery and thirsty now

4:00 D's alarm goes off in a half hour for work...time to try and get some sort of sleep even if it is only for an hour and a half...I know when he leaves I will be up for the day...can't sleep when he isn't there. maker isn't set...SHIT!

5:00 Penny isn't moving anymore...time for sleep

5:30 BEEP BEEP BEEP! (grumble grumble ugh stupid technology...alarm clocks were made by the devil!)

5:45 D an i are enjoying the snooze button and hoping that by staying hidden under the blanket that maybe no one will notice our absence from the world today...

5:46 I have to pee rest for the wicked...

So I have been up since 2 am and david left at 6. the house (apt) is clean dinner is prepared for tonight...This is why I can't wait for us to get a house..It takes all of 4 hours to deep clean our apt and when you do it once a week...even less. A house would take the better part of the day plus I will have penny. I love that I will be a stay at home mommy...but honestly I am getting cabin fever now...grrrrr