Tuesday 28 July 2009

How far along? 15 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pounds

Maternity clothes? yes yes yes

Stretch marks? same old same old.

Sleep: would be nice...seriously!!

Best moment this week: Sleeping all night!

Movement: no and i am getting impatient

Food cravings: chocolate!

Gender: Still going with girl

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: sleeping! lol

What I am looking forward to: feeling movement!

Milestones:baby almost looks like a little human now! lol

The baby is growing and growing. I have been trying to feel the baby movement s all week but to no avail.

Baby's now the size of a naval orange!
Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out-measure his arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably can't feel the movements just yet.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Week 13 and the first official belly pic!

How far along? 14 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: ok so here goes I am 2 pounds lighter now than I was before I got knocked the eff up. BUT my midwife assures me that bettween eating healthier and my prepreggo weight that it is fine..

Maternity clothes? yes yes yes

Stretch marks? same old same old.

Sleep: only happens during the day now!

Best moment this week: making it to the 2nd tri!

Movement: no...le sigh

Food cravings: salads...big salads!

Gender: and we are back to girl

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: diet pepsi

What I am looking forward to: feeling movement!

Milestones: baby is the size of a lemon now!

I can't belive I totally forgot to do week 13's baby poll! GAH! But I am equally asstonished that I am 14 weeks pregnant and have like 189 days left of incubation! lol. i love being in the 2nd trimester! I love everything about it! I feel better I look better I know thw risk of M/S is down to like 3-5percent I feel the baby is safe. Don't get me wrong I know a lot can go wrong still...but I feel at peace.

Thursday 16 July 2009

Who want's to play a game?

It's a guessing game. D and I are still on the fence about finding out the sex of the baby but we do have a few more weeks to go till we have to address that. and it isn't like we aren't goign to find out eventually. So until then I am playing the guessing game

here are some old wives tales and my answers to them for bobo.

If your left breast is bigger than the right during pregnancy, you're having a girl. If the right is bigger, it'll be a boy. If they are the same size, you're in for a surprise! Ok so I measured and with D's expert opinion we have decided my right breast is slightly bigger...im having a boy

If you get moody during pregnancy you are more likely to have a girl. This is because all women are moody, and when carrying a girl you become doubly so.
Meh no mood changes...im still having a boy

If you carry the baby out front (others can’t see your pregnancy from behind) then you will have a boy. If others can tell that you are pregnant when looking at you from behind, then you will have a girl.
my ass is huge...im having a girl

Have the mum-to-be pick up a key. If she picks it up by the round end, it will be a boy. If she picks it up by the long end, it will be a girl. Should she pick it up at the middle, twins are on the way.
I grab by the pointy end...i'm haing a girl

If the mother's age at conception and the year of conception are both even or both odd, the baby is a girl. If one is even and one is odd, the baby is a boy.
mmm having a boy again

Hang a gold pendant (preferably one the mother wears often) over the palm of the mother’s hand. If the pendant moves in a circular motion, it will be a girl. If it swings back and forth, a boy is on the way.

If the mum-to-be was the more aggressive partner when the baby was conceived, it will be a boy. If the father was the more aggressive, the baby will be a girl.

hahaha! we both were!

If you suffer from acne during pregnancy, you will have a girl.
back to girl again

What side does the mum-to-be lay on while she's resting? If she lies on her left, it's a boy; on her right, it's a girl.
what about my stomach? I lay on my right more...it's a girl

If young boys (pre-school age) show interest in you while you're pregnant, it will be a girl. If they ignore you, expect a boy.
still girl

Ask the mum-to-be to show you her hands. If she shows them palms up, it's a girl; palms down, a boy.

I used to show palms up but now I do it palms down...to show off my E ring
so it's a boy

If you dream of girls, you will have a boy. If you dream of boys, you will have a girl.

i dream of girls...it will be a boy

Friday 10 July 2009

Week 12!

How far along? 11 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pound.

Maternity clothes? tops underwear and bra's...the pants are hanging in there only by the grace of rubber bands and the bella band!

Stretch marks? same old same old.

Sleep: is great when I get it!

Best moment this week: two words...Johnny Rockets...milkshakes (ok actually three words)

Movement: none yet but i like to pretend the gas bubbles are the baby

Food cravings: milkshakes ice cream and whipped cream!

Gender: you know what I am kinda leaning twords boy now

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: *Le Sigh* processed food

What I am looking forward to: 2nd tri!

Milestones: All the baby's vital organs are formed and working and teeth and hair are begining to appear. And the babe is active now! Baby is the size of a plum.

We heard the heartbeat again today :)

12 weeks and 3 days on this day next week I will be in the 2nd tri! I will have passed the date of my first M/C buy 5 days. everynight I pray for you my little bobo

Sunday 5 July 2009


How far along? 11 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pound.

Maternity clothes? tops underwear and bra's...the pants are hanging in there only by the grace of rubber bands and the bella band!

Stretch marks? same old same old.

Sleep: is great when I get it!

Best moment this week: two words...Johnny Rockets...milkshakes (ok actually three words)

Movement: none yet but i like to pretend the gas bubbles are the baby

Food cravings: milkshakes

Gender: I am still going with girl

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: remembering things...like how to brush my hair and where I live! lol

What I am looking forward to: being in my 2nd trimester!

Milestones: tooth buds are forming and the fingers and toes are no longer webbed. baby also has hair folicals as of this week and is the size of a lime (hence why I keep singing lime in da coconut)

11 weeks and 5 days... wow in one week and 5 days I will officially be out of the first tri out of the m/s danger zone and 5 days past when i misscarried the monkies 9which lets face it...I have had on my mind for the past 6 weeks. Also....6 weeks ago the baby was the size of an appleseed and now she is a lime! woo-hoo!

I think starting next week I am going to have baby belly friday. sure it is probablly just bloat but hey...it is still a belly right...