Tuesday 29 September 2009

24 weeks!

How far along? 24 weeks.
Total weight gain: Holding steady at 3lbs.
Maternity clothes? oh, indeed.
Sleep: getting more and more difficult to get comfy!
Best moment this week: seeing our littl girl!.
Movement: yep!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Comfortably holding a pen, eating utensil, etc.
What I am looking forward to: getting ice cream tonight (not something baby related really but oh well!)
Milestones: she is at the age of viability!

She can officially as of today survive outside my baby oven with medical care in case something happens god forbid.

:::gives penny the side eye::: Don't even think about it child!

Thursday 24 September 2009

Oh yeah this just gets better and better...

*WARNING! This blog is going to be gross. Just saying!*

Ok so there is a group on facebook called. "I hate being pregnant"

As a pregnant woman who lives in Florida and is doing this whole incubation thing during the summer I can honestly say there are times when yes...I have lamented being pregnant.

Now before anyone starts screaming at me and accusing me of hating my child...let me explain.

I love our daughter (whom we have named...and it will be reveled at the end of this post)

D loves our daughter. We love that she bounces around and we can feel her. We love that she weighs a little over a pound, gets hiccups, and that she responds to music.


I hate

Migraines-I have had the once a week

The snail trail-Seriously...you are only supposed to have a baby coming out of your no no parts at the end of nine months! not a trickle of gooey vag discharge (told you it would be gross!)

Sore Boobies-And the bigger the boobs...the worse it seems to be!

These are my symptoms and let me be honest I got off light in the prego symptom dept! I was lucky!

So next time you see a preggo woman lamenting about her pregnancy...don't judge...get her a cupcake..they make everything better :)

and now for the name revele

Penelope Laine or as we are going to call her for short

Penny Laine (if you are a beatles fan this will prolly make you smile)

Tuesday 22 September 2009

not so weekly questionair

How far along? 23 weeks.
Total weight gain: Holding steady at 3lbs.
Maternity clothes? oh, indeed.
Sleep: I just want one night where I don't get up 3 times to pee
Best moment this week: seeing our littl girl!.
Movement: yep!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Comfortably holding a pen, eating utensil, etc.
What I am looking forward to: the baby shower in 2 months!!lol
Milestones: sono and finding out the gender

It is o strange for me to be able to say i am over halfway done. I have about 2 more weeks till i am 6 months pregnant and three months till the great blow out of 2010 or labor. I have only 4 more weeks left in my 2nd trimester. My baby girl blinks and moves and smiles (and to all of those out there who have looked at her picture given me the side eye and said...michelle babies can't smile this early she was just making a random face...you all can just bite me! She was smiling damn you!)
and sucks her thumb and is practicing her breathing.

I on the other hand have been washing baby clothes as they come in (thank you craigslist and ebay) watching birthing videos and practicing MY breathing! It hasn't really trully hit me yet...I figure that will come about after the new year..lets say jan 3rd I will prolly have a small melt down and have a freak out post! lol.

And in a really fun turn of events my cousin who is 1 day younger than me is expecting his first baby (also a little girl)one month before I am due! My aunt is overjoyed and has already decided...there shall be playdates.

Sunday 20 September 2009

To my daughter.

I found out you were growing in me in may. I didn't belive those two little lines on the pee stick. I thought I was just stressed and thats why I was late. 12 weeks later I heard your incredibly strong little heart. The MW found it without even trying. It wasn't till You and I had been together for 18 weeks that you started to make your presence known. I love feeling you. Streatching and moving and kicking. when I feel the movements from the utside it sends a thrill down my spin and puts a smile on my face. And then little one on friday i saw your beautiful face. And I cried. You are real. Not just some perfect dream but real. Mommy has to apologize for thinking you were a boy. i refused to even think you were a girl in the weeks leading up to your first photoshoot. and then I heard those words...It's a girl!

And I realized how much I loved you and how silly it was for me to want a little boy because my sweet angel you are beautiful and perfect.

I want you to grow up strong and indpenent. I want you to have your fathers inablity to get hurt (seriously kid...momma is so far from gracefull it isn't even funny) I want you to have you grandfathers sense of humor and your gramma's love of family.

I want you to be happy with your choices and never to be afraid to dance in the rain.

I love you my beautiful little one.


Friday 18 September 2009

Brina...guess what...

You were totally right!

I is having a girl!

I love her big "animie cartoon character" smile :)

Thursday 17 September 2009

ok so far it's a tie!

Tommrow at 12:00 d and I are going to try and see if we are having a boy or girl. This will probably be our last chance until the baby arrives to find out.

So far between old wives tales mommy intuition and a number of on-line quizzez and gender prediction calanders via the chinese lunar chart...

It is a tie.

Half say boy half say girl.

We will see!

Tuesday 1 September 2009

week 20!

How far along? 20 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: I have now officially gained 3 pounds :)

Maternity clothes? yes yes yes

Stretch marks? so far still only have the old ones...yeah!.

Sleep:Once I get it is wonderful!!

Best moment this week: D talking to bobo!

Movement: yes yes yes everyday!!!

Food cravings: cheese!

Gender: back to boy :)

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: cold cut samiches ...mmmm

What I am looking forward to: D feeling movement!

Milestones:Baby is now fully formed jsut still small about the size of a canaloupe (leanghtwise I'm guessing)