Monday 24 August 2009

One more week!

i know I know...BAD BLOGGER!

But i am 19 weeks pregnant (or as many have told e to say almost 5 months....apparently going week by week pisses people off! lol)

The bottom one more week...I will be half way through my pregnancy!

Which means I will have been pregnant longer than I have to be preg! (i.e I will be 5 months pregnant and only have 4 months to go!)

My little spawn is moving around now and I am starting to feel him more and more...yep...I said him. We still Don't know what bobo is yet (other than you know...a human baby) But we are getting more and more excited. We has a crib and some clothing. and november we will be buckiling down and getting the rest of the stuff (carseat crack machine)

and I am totally showing now! It is amazing how much he is growing in me and how fast this is going!

I am now officially starting to get the mommie jitters. I wonder the normal things of course...will baby have my hair color? daddy's eyes? My complete disregard for cordination (gawd I hope not!)daddy's brains?

I also think will baby be a good person? will i teach him to grow up loving accepting and being the best person he can strive to be?

Strangly enough I havent thought "Is baby a girl?" lol

Ahhhh well...if nothing else we will find out in january!