Wednesday 27 May 2009

week six cold cut freak outs and the secret to why I have to pee all the time!

Week six...the little appleseed is now the size of a sweet pea...hearts beating facial features are forming and in general everything in my baby oven is going well!

You know it's weird...2 weeks ago I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative...and now I am 1 1/2 months!

I have been through this before (well the first trimester part of it) and I know the rules about wht to do and not do and what to eat. Having suffered a misscarriage (which sucked hardcore) maybe i ma a little on edge about on sunday when david brought home subs...and I love me a good sub...but they were cold cuts subs (this is why I prefere quizno's)

I wanted to thank him for thinking of me..for remembering my tirdness and getting dinner...I wanted to hug and kiss him and tell him I loved him for being so considerate...but did I?

in a

crazy prgnant michelle came out again...poor sweet david...

Look baby subs! i brought dinner so you don't have to worry about cooking or cleaning tonight!

oh baby than...wait...are these cold cuts?

yeah..I know you like the turkey...right (this was said in fear as he realized something was wrong)

I can't have cold cuts! Im pregnant...It's on the no-no list! You know this!


Because god said so david! thats why!!!


YES! It's in the bible! Look it up!


(20 min later)

David!!!! Did you look it up?!?!

Yes...and i couldn't...

You didnt look right!

ok...would you like to go out tonight for dinner? maybe friday's?

oh baby yes thank you!

(see how sweet!)

In all seriousness though...Im not that much of a crazy girl...and once im in my 2nd trimester it will get sure...

How far along? 6 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pounds.

Maternity clothes? not yet...but my pants are getting snug!

Stretch marks? nope.

Sleep: getting a lot...i mean a lot!

Best moment this week:watching david talk to my stomach

Movement: none yet

Food cravings: chicken and cheese!

Gender: unknown...but for this week we will say girl

boyLabor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: cold cut samiches!!

What I am looking forward to: telling our parents

Milestones: the baby's heart is beating!

And as I spend at least 20-30 min an hour going to the bathroom i decided to figure out why...and I did...I have to drink like 5 millon gallons of water a day for this kid...anyone would be constantly peeing!

Saturday 23 May 2009

Now I know why people think pregnant womens are crazy...

because we act like it! every little thing freaks us the hell out and we act like a bunch of nutcases!

true story...I woke up this morning on my stomach and screamed..."OH MY GAWD WHY DID YOU LET ME ROLL OVER IM GOING TO SQUISH THE BABY!"

david is currently hiding

How far along? 5 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: down 3 pounds.

Maternity clothes? nope

Stretch marks? new ones? no.

Sleep: sleep is the best thing EVER!

Best moment this week:seeing the plus sign! lol

Movement: none yet

Food cravings: The kid adores sweet tea.

Gender: unknown...but for this week we will say boy

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? out

What I miss: nothing yet....I haven't really needed to give anything up!

What I am looking forward to: getting bigger and looking pregnant!

Milestones: Finding out we are expecting!

Thursday 21 May 2009

to my little one....

Your the size of an Appleseed this week my little monkey. Which is funny since I have wanted nothing but apple juice for the past two weeks. My first clue that something was amiss! Mommy and daddy are very excited (well excited and scared) about you! we are both newbies on this so be gentle. We love you little monkey and can't wait to hear your heartbeat or see your smile or count your little toes!



Little Appleseed

The Adventures of Capt. Cleavage Warrior Princess: to my followers...

just to be fair

I need two blogs now. I don't want the other one to be over run with everything from my exciting here goes interwebz nation...


I haz been nocke the eff up!


Estimated time of arrivle... jan 22nd!