Sunday 29 November 2009

updates! 33 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: we aren't going to talk about weight anymore....

Maternity clothes? of course...and I ;ove them...maybe a little to much

Stretch marks? I am thinking of naming them.

Sleep:just doesn't happen

Best moment this week: Thanksgiving!!!!

Movement: yes yes yes everyday!!!

Food cravings: Anything with cheese! lol

Gender: she is still a girl as far as we know

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in but streached out

What I miss: cold cut samiches ...mmmm

What I am looking forward to: baby shower on saturday!

ZOMG! I could have this baby in as little as 4 weeks or she could over stay her welcome in my ute for another 9 weeks...

Not that I want her to be rushed...she will come when she's ready...but I am impatient....

Sunday 15 November 2009

31 weeks and the countdown is starting

Total weight gain/loss: it flucuats daily...anywhere between 3 and 6 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yes...and I may never go back...unless I get a jessica alba or anjelina type physique

Stretch marks? *sigh* alas they have arrived.

Sleep:just doesn't happen

Best moment this week: getting married (ok so it's not baby what)

Movement: yes yes yes everyday!!!

Food cravings: strawberries

Gender: she is still a girl as far as we know
Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: cold cut samiches ...mmmm

What I am looking forward to: my family baby shower in 3 weeks :)

Wednesday 4 November 2009

29 weeks...what!

ok so i am now 29 weeks in...only (are you ready for this) 11 weeks to go!

scuse me while I go breath in this here paper bag in the corner.

11 more weeks till our lives change forever!

11 more weeks till I blow out my vag.

11 more weeks till I am responsible for another human life...I can barley keep fish alive....

oh dear gawd...

Thursday 22 October 2009

27 weeks and counting

Ok so pregnancy from begingin to end is 40 weeks...give or take about 2 weeks.

At 37 weeks I am considerd full term.

that is 10 weeks away.

So when i have a woman who is a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 2 say to me

your 27 weeks...mmmyou only have about 3 more weeks and you can deliver a healthy baby. 30 weeks? 7 weeks before i am considerd full term? really?.

I don't think so dearie! lol

penny don't listen to the silly bake as long as you need!

Monday 19 October 2009

Guess what day it is!?

How far along? 26 weeks and 6 days.
Total weight gain: up to 5 lbs ;).
Maternity clothes? I am liking them just a liiiitle to much!
Sleep:Is wonderful until I have to get up and pee ever two hours
Best moment this week: Hitting the official start of the end! woot for being in the 3rd tri!
Movement: Every day now :)
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: *sigh*...lunch meat
What I am looking forward to:hitting the 30 and 35 week mark :)
Milestones: She is the size of an egg plant can blink breath and hear things on the outside now and is just about 2 1/2 months till she is all done baking :)

I have less than 3 months..I have less than 100 days...O.M.G.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Yoga FAIL!

So I am no stranger to yoga. I'm not. I started doing it over a year ago and while I have to admit that doing JUST yoga may not have made me shed weight the way I wanted it to it still was something that made me a happy (and lets face it....much more bendy) girl.

But now that I am with spawn...I have to do "prenatal yoga"

What-the-eff-ever. I am Captain Cleavage and I can totally still do my regular yoga...right...RIGHT?!?!?


Lets just say that when "mommy" decided that even though she has a potruding belly and her center of gravity may (or may not) be slightly *coughtotallycough* of kilter doing things like balanceing on my hands in a squating position (cause I gots skillz) and twisting my legs up behind my head (again...skillz) is still totally possible

I was stuck on the floor for 15 min rolling around like a demented beach ball tring to get up.


David was at work and laughed heartilly when I told him (bastard!)

I have also had to ask for him to help me get up from the kitchen floor (darn food storage on the bottom!)

as well as getting out of bed (seriously?!?!?)

Yeah...this doesn't make me feel like one of those webble wobble toys!

Sunday 4 October 2009

Late nights...long nights.

I don't know if it is the pregnancy horomones or jitters or just the very fast approach of her birth but I have not been able to sleep more than a few hours at a time a night lately. Thoughts run through my head at warp speed

sleep by 12

wake up at 2 to go pee

2:05 lay down and attempt to fall asleep as penny is throwing what I can only imagiane is a dance party in my ute

2:15 did I wash the dishes? ugh no...shit d needs a clean coffee cup in the morning...

2:16 get up to wash out 2 coffee mugs

3:00 lay back down after washing all the dishes dusting the living room mopping the kitchen floor and scrubbing down the stove and wall with comet and bleach.

3:02 She sure is moving around a lot tonight is this her way of telling me she is going to be a night owl? or is this god allowing me to have every moment possible with her like he did with the other 2...

3:03 begins to cry as quietly as possible of my two lost little ones and wonder what they would have looked like and how am i going to one day explain to penny she has two older brothers in heaven named Paxton and Drake.

3:10 watches david sleep...when he is awake he is all man...alll sexy sexy man...but asleep...he looks like a little boy. I can tell he is having good dreams because he is smiling and every once-in-a-while he will giggle softly.

3:30 Hungery and thirsty now

4:00 D's alarm goes off in a half hour for work...time to try and get some sort of sleep even if it is only for an hour and a half...I know when he leaves I will be up for the day...can't sleep when he isn't there. maker isn't set...SHIT!

5:00 Penny isn't moving anymore...time for sleep

5:30 BEEP BEEP BEEP! (grumble grumble ugh stupid technology...alarm clocks were made by the devil!)

5:45 D an i are enjoying the snooze button and hoping that by staying hidden under the blanket that maybe no one will notice our absence from the world today...

5:46 I have to pee rest for the wicked...

So I have been up since 2 am and david left at 6. the house (apt) is clean dinner is prepared for tonight...This is why I can't wait for us to get a house..It takes all of 4 hours to deep clean our apt and when you do it once a week...even less. A house would take the better part of the day plus I will have penny. I love that I will be a stay at home mommy...but honestly I am getting cabin fever now...grrrrr

Tuesday 29 September 2009

24 weeks!

How far along? 24 weeks.
Total weight gain: Holding steady at 3lbs.
Maternity clothes? oh, indeed.
Sleep: getting more and more difficult to get comfy!
Best moment this week: seeing our littl girl!.
Movement: yep!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Comfortably holding a pen, eating utensil, etc.
What I am looking forward to: getting ice cream tonight (not something baby related really but oh well!)
Milestones: she is at the age of viability!

She can officially as of today survive outside my baby oven with medical care in case something happens god forbid.

:::gives penny the side eye::: Don't even think about it child!

Thursday 24 September 2009

Oh yeah this just gets better and better...

*WARNING! This blog is going to be gross. Just saying!*

Ok so there is a group on facebook called. "I hate being pregnant"

As a pregnant woman who lives in Florida and is doing this whole incubation thing during the summer I can honestly say there are times when yes...I have lamented being pregnant.

Now before anyone starts screaming at me and accusing me of hating my child...let me explain.

I love our daughter (whom we have named...and it will be reveled at the end of this post)

D loves our daughter. We love that she bounces around and we can feel her. We love that she weighs a little over a pound, gets hiccups, and that she responds to music.


I hate

Migraines-I have had the once a week

The snail are only supposed to have a baby coming out of your no no parts at the end of nine months! not a trickle of gooey vag discharge (told you it would be gross!)

Sore Boobies-And the bigger the boobs...the worse it seems to be!

These are my symptoms and let me be honest I got off light in the prego symptom dept! I was lucky!

So next time you see a preggo woman lamenting about her pregnancy...don't judge...get her a cupcake..they make everything better :)

and now for the name revele

Penelope Laine or as we are going to call her for short

Penny Laine (if you are a beatles fan this will prolly make you smile)

Tuesday 22 September 2009

not so weekly questionair

How far along? 23 weeks.
Total weight gain: Holding steady at 3lbs.
Maternity clothes? oh, indeed.
Sleep: I just want one night where I don't get up 3 times to pee
Best moment this week: seeing our littl girl!.
Movement: yep!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Comfortably holding a pen, eating utensil, etc.
What I am looking forward to: the baby shower in 2 months!!lol
Milestones: sono and finding out the gender

It is o strange for me to be able to say i am over halfway done. I have about 2 more weeks till i am 6 months pregnant and three months till the great blow out of 2010 or labor. I have only 4 more weeks left in my 2nd trimester. My baby girl blinks and moves and smiles (and to all of those out there who have looked at her picture given me the side eye and said...michelle babies can't smile this early she was just making a random all can just bite me! She was smiling damn you!)
and sucks her thumb and is practicing her breathing.

I on the other hand have been washing baby clothes as they come in (thank you craigslist and ebay) watching birthing videos and practicing MY breathing! It hasn't really trully hit me yet...I figure that will come about after the new year..lets say jan 3rd I will prolly have a small melt down and have a freak out post! lol.

And in a really fun turn of events my cousin who is 1 day younger than me is expecting his first baby (also a little girl)one month before I am due! My aunt is overjoyed and has already decided...there shall be playdates.

Sunday 20 September 2009

To my daughter.

I found out you were growing in me in may. I didn't belive those two little lines on the pee stick. I thought I was just stressed and thats why I was late. 12 weeks later I heard your incredibly strong little heart. The MW found it without even trying. It wasn't till You and I had been together for 18 weeks that you started to make your presence known. I love feeling you. Streatching and moving and kicking. when I feel the movements from the utside it sends a thrill down my spin and puts a smile on my face. And then little one on friday i saw your beautiful face. And I cried. You are real. Not just some perfect dream but real. Mommy has to apologize for thinking you were a boy. i refused to even think you were a girl in the weeks leading up to your first photoshoot. and then I heard those words...It's a girl!

And I realized how much I loved you and how silly it was for me to want a little boy because my sweet angel you are beautiful and perfect.

I want you to grow up strong and indpenent. I want you to have your fathers inablity to get hurt (seriously kid...momma is so far from gracefull it isn't even funny) I want you to have you grandfathers sense of humor and your gramma's love of family.

I want you to be happy with your choices and never to be afraid to dance in the rain.

I love you my beautiful little one.


Friday 18 September 2009

Brina...guess what...

You were totally right!

I is having a girl!

I love her big "animie cartoon character" smile :)

Thursday 17 September 2009

ok so far it's a tie!

Tommrow at 12:00 d and I are going to try and see if we are having a boy or girl. This will probably be our last chance until the baby arrives to find out.

So far between old wives tales mommy intuition and a number of on-line quizzez and gender prediction calanders via the chinese lunar chart...

It is a tie.

Half say boy half say girl.

We will see!

Tuesday 1 September 2009

week 20!

How far along? 20 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: I have now officially gained 3 pounds :)

Maternity clothes? yes yes yes

Stretch marks? so far still only have the old ones...yeah!.

Sleep:Once I get it is wonderful!!

Best moment this week: D talking to bobo!

Movement: yes yes yes everyday!!!

Food cravings: cheese!

Gender: back to boy :)

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: cold cut samiches ...mmmm

What I am looking forward to: D feeling movement!

Milestones:Baby is now fully formed jsut still small about the size of a canaloupe (leanghtwise I'm guessing)

Monday 24 August 2009

One more week!

i know I know...BAD BLOGGER!

But i am 19 weeks pregnant (or as many have told e to say almost 5 months....apparently going week by week pisses people off! lol)

The bottom one more week...I will be half way through my pregnancy!

Which means I will have been pregnant longer than I have to be preg! (i.e I will be 5 months pregnant and only have 4 months to go!)

My little spawn is moving around now and I am starting to feel him more and more...yep...I said him. We still Don't know what bobo is yet (other than you know...a human baby) But we are getting more and more excited. We has a crib and some clothing. and november we will be buckiling down and getting the rest of the stuff (carseat crack machine)

and I am totally showing now! It is amazing how much he is growing in me and how fast this is going!

I am now officially starting to get the mommie jitters. I wonder the normal things of course...will baby have my hair color? daddy's eyes? My complete disregard for cordination (gawd I hope not!)daddy's brains?

I also think will baby be a good person? will i teach him to grow up loving accepting and being the best person he can strive to be?

Strangly enough I havent thought "Is baby a girl?" lol

Ahhhh well...if nothing else we will find out in january!

Tuesday 28 July 2009

How far along? 15 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pounds

Maternity clothes? yes yes yes

Stretch marks? same old same old.

Sleep: would be nice...seriously!!

Best moment this week: Sleeping all night!

Movement: no and i am getting impatient

Food cravings: chocolate!

Gender: Still going with girl

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: sleeping! lol

What I am looking forward to: feeling movement!

Milestones:baby almost looks like a little human now! lol

The baby is growing and growing. I have been trying to feel the baby movement s all week but to no avail.

Baby's now the size of a naval orange!
Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out-measure his arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably can't feel the movements just yet.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Week 13 and the first official belly pic!

How far along? 14 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: ok so here goes I am 2 pounds lighter now than I was before I got knocked the eff up. BUT my midwife assures me that bettween eating healthier and my prepreggo weight that it is fine..

Maternity clothes? yes yes yes

Stretch marks? same old same old.

Sleep: only happens during the day now!

Best moment this week: making it to the 2nd tri!

Movement: no...le sigh

Food cravings: salads...big salads!

Gender: and we are back to girl

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: diet pepsi

What I am looking forward to: feeling movement!

Milestones: baby is the size of a lemon now!

I can't belive I totally forgot to do week 13's baby poll! GAH! But I am equally asstonished that I am 14 weeks pregnant and have like 189 days left of incubation! lol. i love being in the 2nd trimester! I love everything about it! I feel better I look better I know thw risk of M/S is down to like 3-5percent I feel the baby is safe. Don't get me wrong I know a lot can go wrong still...but I feel at peace.

Thursday 16 July 2009

Who want's to play a game?

It's a guessing game. D and I are still on the fence about finding out the sex of the baby but we do have a few more weeks to go till we have to address that. and it isn't like we aren't goign to find out eventually. So until then I am playing the guessing game

here are some old wives tales and my answers to them for bobo.

If your left breast is bigger than the right during pregnancy, you're having a girl. If the right is bigger, it'll be a boy. If they are the same size, you're in for a surprise! Ok so I measured and with D's expert opinion we have decided my right breast is slightly having a boy

If you get moody during pregnancy you are more likely to have a girl. This is because all women are moody, and when carrying a girl you become doubly so.
Meh no mood still having a boy

If you carry the baby out front (others can’t see your pregnancy from behind) then you will have a boy. If others can tell that you are pregnant when looking at you from behind, then you will have a girl.
my ass is having a girl

Have the mum-to-be pick up a key. If she picks it up by the round end, it will be a boy. If she picks it up by the long end, it will be a girl. Should she pick it up at the middle, twins are on the way.
I grab by the pointy end...i'm haing a girl

If the mother's age at conception and the year of conception are both even or both odd, the baby is a girl. If one is even and one is odd, the baby is a boy.
mmm having a boy again

Hang a gold pendant (preferably one the mother wears often) over the palm of the mother’s hand. If the pendant moves in a circular motion, it will be a girl. If it swings back and forth, a boy is on the way.

If the mum-to-be was the more aggressive partner when the baby was conceived, it will be a boy. If the father was the more aggressive, the baby will be a girl.

hahaha! we both were!

If you suffer from acne during pregnancy, you will have a girl.
back to girl again

What side does the mum-to-be lay on while she's resting? If she lies on her left, it's a boy; on her right, it's a girl.
what about my stomach? I lay on my right's a girl

If young boys (pre-school age) show interest in you while you're pregnant, it will be a girl. If they ignore you, expect a boy.
still girl

Ask the mum-to-be to show you her hands. If she shows them palms up, it's a girl; palms down, a boy.

I used to show palms up but now I do it palms show off my E ring
so it's a boy

If you dream of girls, you will have a boy. If you dream of boys, you will have a girl.

i dream of will be a boy

Friday 10 July 2009

Week 12!

How far along? 11 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pound.

Maternity clothes? tops underwear and bra's...the pants are hanging in there only by the grace of rubber bands and the bella band!

Stretch marks? same old same old.

Sleep: is great when I get it!

Best moment this week: two words...Johnny Rockets...milkshakes (ok actually three words)

Movement: none yet but i like to pretend the gas bubbles are the baby

Food cravings: milkshakes ice cream and whipped cream!

Gender: you know what I am kinda leaning twords boy now

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: *Le Sigh* processed food

What I am looking forward to: 2nd tri!

Milestones: All the baby's vital organs are formed and working and teeth and hair are begining to appear. And the babe is active now! Baby is the size of a plum.

We heard the heartbeat again today :)

12 weeks and 3 days on this day next week I will be in the 2nd tri! I will have passed the date of my first M/C buy 5 days. everynight I pray for you my little bobo

Sunday 5 July 2009


How far along? 11 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pound.

Maternity clothes? tops underwear and bra's...the pants are hanging in there only by the grace of rubber bands and the bella band!

Stretch marks? same old same old.

Sleep: is great when I get it!

Best moment this week: two words...Johnny Rockets...milkshakes (ok actually three words)

Movement: none yet but i like to pretend the gas bubbles are the baby

Food cravings: milkshakes

Gender: I am still going with girl

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: remembering how to brush my hair and where I live! lol

What I am looking forward to: being in my 2nd trimester!

Milestones: tooth buds are forming and the fingers and toes are no longer webbed. baby also has hair folicals as of this week and is the size of a lime (hence why I keep singing lime in da coconut)

11 weeks and 5 days... wow in one week and 5 days I will officially be out of the first tri out of the m/s danger zone and 5 days past when i misscarried the monkies 9which lets face it...I have had on my mind for the past 6 weeks. Also....6 weeks ago the baby was the size of an appleseed and now she is a lime! woo-hoo!

I think starting next week I am going to have baby belly friday. sure it is probablly just bloat but is still a belly right...

Sunday 28 June 2009

woot! week 10!!!

How far along? 10 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: up 1 pound.

Maternity clothes? mostley tops

Stretch marks? just old ones.

Sleep: feels sooo good!

Best moment this week:getting my first free sample

Movement: none yet

Food cravings: birthday cake

Gender: still feels girly!

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: boobs that do not hurt

What I am looking forward to:having a baby belly and not just a bloat

Milestones: the baby is developing fingernails this week and is the size of a prune! (really? a prune?)

Wednesday 24 June 2009


9 weeks and 5 days people thats how far along i am! It is becoming so real now. Not that I wasn't taking it seriouslly before or I thought it was a fluke (ok for like the first week...I totally thought it was a fluke. I know I have a baby growing inside me. when I feel like tossing my cookies because D is eating massive ammounts of chocolate and bobo apparentlly HATES chocolate, or when my boobs feel like they are screaming at me in pain or when I smell cheese...and nearly kill D trying to get to the fridge...I am reminded that the reason is because of the little one growing inside me. It is awsome and terrifying all at the same time. and then today...I found this picture on the interwebz

That is what bobo looks like right now!

Wednesday 17 June 2009

week 9 survey

How far along? 9 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: up 1 pound.

Maternity clothes? A couple of tops and the bella band...I am streatching my pre pregnancy wardrobe to the limit I tell you!!

Stretch marks? just old ones.

Sleep: I would get more if I wasnt up every 2 hours going to the bathroom

Best moment this week:being able to eat again! lol

Movement: none yet

Food cravings: grilled cheese samich and tomatoe soup...oh yeah!

Gender: You know I am getting a distinct girly feeling now...hmmmm

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: strawberry daquaries...mmmmm

What I am looking forward to:having a baby belly and not just a bloat

Milestones: the embryo has now officially graduated to a fetus-hood and is the size of a green olive! woot!

I can't belive I am already nine weeks! 3 more weeks and I will be in the 2nd tri! holy crap! I don't want to jinx it and say it is flying by...but it is totally flying by! lol. This week david took me out for chinese and orderd pizza...both of which was apparentlly for bobo and not us lol

Monday 15 June 2009

I might kill my neighbors...

ok not really but it really absolutely necessary to blast your music loud enough that people two floors above can not only hear it but feel the vibes in the walls? really?

maybe i am just being overly cranky because I fell like hell (please god no more morning sickness...please!!!!)I haven't slept more than 3 hours a night for 6 days straight and I have the headache from hell (not a migraine...yet.

or maybe I got to much sun at wet and wild (that was the wooooorst experience ever...chlorine sunblock sweaty guest and deep fried food and 90+ degree weather did not sit well with me or bobo!)

but what ever it is I don't care....the music needs to stop!

in other news I am 2 days away from being 9 weeks and David and I are going to the first U/S on Friday :)

I guess after the loss of the monkeys I am panicky about everything. I am pretty sure that once I am 14 weeks I will calm down...maybe.

In other news D has always been fascinated by my boobs...and it is just getting worse. before when he would grab and squeeze as he walked by I would giggle. Now it hurts. Now I give him the squinty eye and think seriously about cutting off his hands


I am such a cranky pants today

Wednesday 10 June 2009

week 8!

So this week the baby is the size of a rasberry :) David decided since we dont yet know the sex that he is going to call the baby BO-BO which apparentlly in caveman languge means friend....great! lol. Still sik but water taste fantastic now!

How far along? 8 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: none.

Maternity clothes? A couple of tops!

Stretch marks? just old ones.

Sleep: I would get more if I wasnt up every 2hours going to the bathroom

Best moment this week:hearing the heartbeat!

Movement: none yet

Food cravings: OMG NOTHING! keep food away from me...PLEASE!!!!

Gender: unknown...but for this week we will say boy

boyLabor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: food in general!!!

What I am looking forward to: going to register

Milestones: can't feel it yet but the baby's little arms and legs are moving!

Monday 8 June 2009


cant help it it made me lol

Sweet child of mine....

ok my little psyco is the deal. mommy and daddy are hella-excited about you. We can't wait for you to get here. and we loved hearing your little heartbeat (so strong!) and watching you on the moniter (it was obvious there was a dance party going on in my ute) but here is the thing. you know thw saying if momma aint happy aint nobody happy? well refphrase it to if momma aint eating aint no body eating (except daddy...smug bastard) Please stop making me want to toss my cookies at the sight and smell of all foods! You can not grow on nothing but soda crackers sprite water and cheese....seriouslly! and btw....making the one thing mommy can stomach (as far as smells go) be shell fish....which mommy is deathly allergic to....funny...real funny kid! So in closing...we love you and can't wait to meet you...but momma needs to eat and so do you so no more morning (afternoon night) sickness mkay!

Sunday 7 June 2009

for our little psyco!

i have become obsessed...obsessed I tell you with psyco baby...beside the awsome pacy (and thus far the only one I will allow...) we have also purchased...

the cutest swaddaling blanket...EVER!

Mommy's diaper bag (so what if he is a boy...i will totally use this when he is a teen as a purse!

And of course his little vegan shoes (or her little vegan shoes...they could go both ways)

And I have a surprise for david....I got his daddy diaper bag too!
p.s. sorry about the wackyness of the pics...for some reason i still havent figured out how to post pics properlly....le sigh...someday

Thursday 4 June 2009

week 7!

Ahhh week seven. I am now only 5 weeks away from being out of the first trimester and into the 2nd! 5 weeks till the risk of miscarriage goes down! yay!things are going really well (my boobs are still killing me though) We picked a birthing center this week which is in Sanford..yeah it is a little far away but we love it! I can't wait to see the baby on screen and hear it's heart beat! She is the size of a blueberry this week (which makes me think of violet from charlie and the chocolate factory...which in turn makes me giggle hysterically) And I had the weirdest thought ever! If this baby is a about 1 month she will have developed all the eggs she will ever have in her lifetime. Which will produce my possible granddaughter. which means at some point very soon three generations of women will be residing in my body...the grandmother the mother and the daughter. I know...its weird!

Right now I am focusing on getting through he next 5 weeks. I can not wait to be out of the danger zone!

How far along? 7 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: none this week

Maternity clothes? not yet...but am sporting the belly band with some things

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep: would be a lot better if I wasn't getting up ever 2 hours a night to go pee

Best moment this week:making the appointment at the birthing center

Movement: I thought so...but i was assured it was just no

Food cravings: The kid adores sweet tea.salty chips

Gender: I'm gonna go with girl this week (although according to the on-line ancient Chinese gender prediction chart I'm having a boy

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? still in

What I miss: hot baths! I miss taking hot bubble baths...all the baths I take now have to be lukewarm...yuk

Milestones: the baby made eyelids this week!

Monday 1 June 2009

Whats in a name?

I love names and naming the baby is one of my favorite things. David and I have had a list of names about 6) since about our 3 month anniversary (we were planning on having kids...just not this soon...but thats ok...we still happy!) and one of the boy names...which is davids favorite...which is not only my fathers name but the name of an uncle he was close to who passed away 3 years*sigh*... Kenneth.

It's a good is. But I can not name my son kenneth...

because that is the name of my old theater teacher Mr. Rush.

Whom i respect...

but was from time to time...

was kinda...



according to my friend kim...he was the devil.

David really wants to name him that...I prefer Asher.

I hope we have a girl...we agree on the girls name

Wednesday 27 May 2009

week six cold cut freak outs and the secret to why I have to pee all the time!

Week six...the little appleseed is now the size of a sweet pea...hearts beating facial features are forming and in general everything in my baby oven is going well!

You know it's weird...2 weeks ago I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative...and now I am 1 1/2 months!

I have been through this before (well the first trimester part of it) and I know the rules about wht to do and not do and what to eat. Having suffered a misscarriage (which sucked hardcore) maybe i ma a little on edge about on sunday when david brought home subs...and I love me a good sub...but they were cold cuts subs (this is why I prefere quizno's)

I wanted to thank him for thinking of me..for remembering my tirdness and getting dinner...I wanted to hug and kiss him and tell him I loved him for being so considerate...but did I?

in a

crazy prgnant michelle came out again...poor sweet david...

Look baby subs! i brought dinner so you don't have to worry about cooking or cleaning tonight!

oh baby than...wait...are these cold cuts?

yeah..I know you like the turkey...right (this was said in fear as he realized something was wrong)

I can't have cold cuts! Im pregnant...It's on the no-no list! You know this!


Because god said so david! thats why!!!


YES! It's in the bible! Look it up!


(20 min later)

David!!!! Did you look it up?!?!

Yes...and i couldn't...

You didnt look right!

ok...would you like to go out tonight for dinner? maybe friday's?

oh baby yes thank you!

(see how sweet!)

In all seriousness though...Im not that much of a crazy girl...and once im in my 2nd trimester it will get sure...

How far along? 6 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: up 2 pounds.

Maternity clothes? not yet...but my pants are getting snug!

Stretch marks? nope.

Sleep: getting a lot...i mean a lot!

Best moment this week:watching david talk to my stomach

Movement: none yet

Food cravings: chicken and cheese!

Gender: unknown...but for this week we will say girl

boyLabor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? in

What I miss: cold cut samiches!!

What I am looking forward to: telling our parents

Milestones: the baby's heart is beating!

And as I spend at least 20-30 min an hour going to the bathroom i decided to figure out why...and I did...I have to drink like 5 millon gallons of water a day for this kid...anyone would be constantly peeing!

Saturday 23 May 2009

Now I know why people think pregnant womens are crazy...

because we act like it! every little thing freaks us the hell out and we act like a bunch of nutcases!

true story...I woke up this morning on my stomach and screamed..."OH MY GAWD WHY DID YOU LET ME ROLL OVER IM GOING TO SQUISH THE BABY!"

david is currently hiding

How far along? 5 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss: down 3 pounds.

Maternity clothes? nope

Stretch marks? new ones? no.

Sleep: sleep is the best thing EVER!

Best moment this week:seeing the plus sign! lol

Movement: none yet

Food cravings: The kid adores sweet tea.

Gender: unknown...but for this week we will say boy

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? out

What I miss: nothing yet....I haven't really needed to give anything up!

What I am looking forward to: getting bigger and looking pregnant!

Milestones: Finding out we are expecting!

Thursday 21 May 2009

to my little one....

Your the size of an Appleseed this week my little monkey. Which is funny since I have wanted nothing but apple juice for the past two weeks. My first clue that something was amiss! Mommy and daddy are very excited (well excited and scared) about you! we are both newbies on this so be gentle. We love you little monkey and can't wait to hear your heartbeat or see your smile or count your little toes!



Little Appleseed

The Adventures of Capt. Cleavage Warrior Princess: to my followers...

just to be fair

I need two blogs now. I don't want the other one to be over run with everything from my exciting here goes interwebz nation...


I haz been nocke the eff up!


Estimated time of arrivle... jan 22nd!